Do you feel like you’re here for something important, you just aren’t sure what that something is?

After just one session, you’ll feel more in tune with your purpose, gain greater clarity, and be ready to move forward in your life.

“My QHHT session with Marte was absolutely incredible. She’s an amazing listener and she made me feel completely at ease and relaxed during our session. Marte asked me so many thoughtful questions that helped guide me to new insights. I left our session with more clarity and a sense of peace than before we began. I highly recommend Quantum Healing Miami!” - Jamie S.

“My QHHT session with Marte was one of the most potent spiritual experiences I've ever had. The deep way she was able to connect me to my own intuitive guidance produced some of the clearest messages and insights about my life that I have ever received. It's impacted me positively in all areas of life, and I will treasure the recording forever! So grateful for Marte's wisdom and expertise!” - Maya D.

"Marte was so attentive, compassionate and communicated with me so clearly. She really took the time to listen and ask me questions and made me feel relaxed. I learned so many insights about my path and purpose and I have so many thanks to give to her. It was such a beautiful and powerful healing experience." - Leslie H.

About QHHT


What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® is a ground-breaking method. It can help you understand and integrate your past, your present, and future so you can move forward into greater purpose and power. Many clients also experience transformational physical and emotional healing.

How does it work?

QHHT taps into your right-brain center, where your intuition, memories, and inner knowing live. Some people call this the Higher Self or Source. Although this wisdom is always available to you, sometimes it’s harder to access directly. That’s exactly what QHHT does. It’s an extremely relaxing experience, and anyone can do it.

Is it safe?

QHHT is completely natural and safe. It works by bringing you into the deeply relaxed theta-brainwave state you experience very naturally twice per day, just before sleep and just before waking up. It is a no-touch method and requires no substances. Because you already know how to fall asleep, QHHT feels very easy.


Past Lives

Dolores Cannon developed QHHT more than 45 years ago when she discovered a link between past lives and transformational healing. She went on to create this technique and authored more than 20 books about her discoveries during her pioneering work. Many clients experience past lives, other-dimensional experiences, and healing during their QHHT sessions.

Natural Healing

One of the most life changing aspects of QHHT is the ability to tap into guidance about physical ailments. By connecting with the Higher Self or Source, clients tap into the root of physical problems and why they’re occurring. Even this new understanding often begins to unlock healing. Working with the Higher Self or Source, after this understanding is established, many clients experience profound, lasting healing.

Deeper Consciousness

Have you ever felt that some part of you had all the answers to your questions about life, but you wondered these answers seemed so elusive? QHHT helps you tap into that deeper part of yourself, where what you really want to know— your purpose, your family, your career, relationships, even the nature of the Universe—resides. For weeks, even months, post-session, many clients experience new insights and clarity.


I’ve always felt I came here to help people find answers. QHHT helped me find my own answers about life, what’s held me back, and how to move forward. Now I help others through QHHT.

– Marte Siebenhar, QHHT Practitioner + Founder, Quantum Healing Miami