About Quantum Healing Miami

Have you ever wondered what you're meant to do?

Do you have questions about your purpose, your health, relationships, big choices, or about how your life has been going?

Are you ready for a transformation?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), created by Dolores Cannon more than 45 years ago, is an amazing journey of your consciousness and a way you can realize that all your answers and healing truly lie within.

People book a QHHT session for lots of reasons.

Some are curious. Others want to better understand their life purpose, health, relationships, family, or work. Mostly, they want to understand more about why their lives have gone the way they have, and most of all, how to move forward in the very best way that they can.

Clients come with discomfort, depression, pain, addictions, and sometimes, life threatening illnesses. They come wanting to improve their lives. Often they can feel an inner calling that they are meant to do "something," but need clarity on the specifics. And sometimes they come with questions about the nature of how the universe works, God or Source, and how they connect to it.

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Photo by Eva Hart

I'm Marte Siebenhar and I'm an explorer of human creativity and consciousness.

I was drawn to QHHT because I have always felt I was here to do something to help people. I also wanted to know more about myself, my life path, the universe, and more clarity on my purpose.

By finding powerful answers to my own questions about life and experiencing deep transformation through my own experiences with QHHT, I knew I needed to share this amazing technique with others who want to connect with their deeper creativity, spark their intuition, and receive direct answers from a deeper part of themselves, that can help make their lives better.

As a certified Level 2 QHHT Practitioner, I would love the opportunity to help you through QHHT.

All sessions take place at my office, located at 2915 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 200-85, in Miami, Florida 33137, USA. Ridesharing is encouraged.

Photos of the office are below.

Ready to learn more about QHHT?

Let’s hop on the phone for a 15-minute discovery call!

You can book your call here.

I love speaking with potential clients about why they’re thinking of having a QHHT session and so you can learn more about what the experience is like before you book.

The call is also a wonderful way for you to experience my energy and get a sense of what a QHHT session would be like.

We’ll also chat about appointment availability, session cost, and you have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the process, the office, why I do this work, and anything else that comes to mind.

I have the best clients in the world, and I consider it a privilege and an honor to facilitate their QHHT sessions, holding space in love for their possibilities and transformation.

You can also email me at hello@quantumhealingmiami.com. I look forward to speaking with you soon!

My QHHT session with Marte was absolutely revolutionary. It was perhaps one of the most comprehensive and integrative sessions I've ever had. It was a deep dive and expansive leap into all the realms of Self. Past life, childhood, Higher Self, etc.

I had been exhausted earlier in the day. There was so much old energy cleared that I felt like I was zapped with a spiritual epi pen.

I'm still integrating and applying the wisdom imparted in our sesh but it never ceases to amaze me how many paths to healing are available to us and also how much spiritual baggage we are often (unknowingly) carrying. And how amaaaazing it feels to let that weight go. - Jess F.

The Quantum Healing Miami office:
