3 common life situations when QHHT can help

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What are the top reasons clients seek out QHHT?

QHHT is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, a revolutionary approach to hypnosis that was founded by Dolores Cannon approximately 45 years ago.

QHHT is a potent way to access information that can help you move forward on your path in life.

The top reasons people end up seeking out QHHT are because they are undergoing:

  1. A spiritual awakening.

    Many times, on a discovery call, prospective clients will express having undergone a recent awakening or having had a realization that there is “more” to them, and to the universe, than what they had either been taught, or had believed to be “real,” namely, the world of sensory experiences, feelings, and the beliefs they grew up with or held to during their childhoods or lives. Many times, what they realize is beyond what they’ve known prior to that point is something invisible, but spiritual or energetic. Following that recognition, many express a desire to seek out and learn more about the nature of the unseen or hidden, to discover information about what’s “really” happening in their lives and in our world, from a spiritual perspective.

    Because QHHT is designed to help you access the part of you that is always present, but which you may not consciously be aware of or working in concert with, it can be a powerful way to get verbal, specific answers to the questions that matter to you, but that you may have not been aware of how to access on your own. Often, clients will come in “knowing” or intuiting information about their life path, how they sense they should move forward, or how they might address challenges in their life. Because QHHT involves a conversation with the Higher Self using the theta brainwave state, where your logical mind is less active and your creative intuitive mind is more active, it’s a way to access the deeper wisdom and the broader perspective of the part of you that knows everything about you, even beyond your current physical incarnation, because it part of and connected to Universal Energy, or Source, or the Divine (whatever you choose to call it).

  2. A life transition.

    Often, when you undergo a divorce or breakup, a career change, or a life change like starting or going full-time with a business, moving someplace else, or becoming a parent, an empty nester, or a retiree, a moment of transition is a natural time to seek out guidance and input. No stranger to transitions, having made many of them myself during this lifetime, I love it when clients come in seeking guidance on how best to align themselves with their right outcomes, whatever they might be. Moments of transition are those when you aren’t yet where you want to be, and yet have a sense that something needs to change, awaken, or fall away.

    It takes incredible courage for any human being to accept and choose to make transitions, and I love holding space in support and love for clients’ possibilities, because I acknowledge and see in them the kind of bravery in welcoming change that is so rooted in hope, love for themselves, and trusting in their Higher Power, that they are willing to meet the uncertain and dance with it. Often clients come away with clear answers from their Higher Self, which is not just beautiful, it’s amazing. As a QHHT practitioner, I find it delicious to help the part of you that has questions (often, “Will I or it be OK if…?”) come to meet the Higher Self part of you, because that Higher Self part of you is always loving, secure, and certain.

    Witnessing and helping to facilitate that conversation is one of the most sacred and exciting parts of my work as a QHHT practitioner, and it’s even more amazing to debrief with clients at the conclusion of the session, to crystallize those insights and answers, and sometimes even talk about what next steps might be on that path!

  3. Understanding and healing from what’s happened.

    Many clients also come to QHHT with physical illnesses, emotional issues, having suffered accidents or some sort of trauma, that they want to better understand, heal, and release. Seeking these outcomes also takes a lot of bravery, as it shows how ready a client is to take whatever happened into their own hands and seek resolution for it so they can experience peace and grace. A lot of clients have pursued various healing modalities—and there are so many that are wonderful in their own right—but often they haven’t received the clarity or outcomes they have been looking for on those pathways. Because QHHT is designed to be a one-and-done type of experience, it typically involves moving a lot of energy that can create shifts, new insights, and free up space for healing, release, and new fresh energy and freedom to make new plans or take a new path. QHHT can work alongside and in concert with these modalities very well, and it can also stand on its own.

    The life interview part of the session is the lengthiest element of a QHHT session. It’s the longest because it’s so important, and often clients haven’t told their life story all the way through, without interruption, and with the person listening (me) holding no agenda, only holding space in love and committed to listening. During that segment, clients often experience clarity and see patterns they hadn’t noticed, but that seeing them already helps them move forward in a more powerful way. In that sense, many clients consistently express to me that their experience of the life interview can be tremendously therapeutic on its own. Then, during the hypnosis segment, when we gain the much-broader perspective of the Higher Self, even more information can flow in. Especially when clients come into their session with no expectations, often that information can be surprising, clear, and help them in ways that can continue to yield clarity and insights long after the session concludes.

If you have experienced something that you haven't quite found a way to make sense of or heal from, QHHT can be a useful and beautiful, relaxing way to look at the big life challenges, and make sense of what has happened from a totally different perspective, and gain new insights and guidance for moving forward on your pathway.

If you have any questions about QHHT and what it could do for you, the clarity you could bring to your life, please let’s hop on the phone together. I would be honored to speak to you about what it is in your life that you want to transform and seeing if QHHT is right for you.

You can book a 15-minute discovery call with me here. I’m excited to chat!


5 common client experiences that help describe what is a QHHT session like