5 common client experiences that help describe what is a QHHT session like

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Let’s hop in to answer the number one question I am asked by prospective clients:

What will a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) actually be like?

There is no one answer, because there are as many different experiences with QHHT as there are clients. Everyone’s session is a little bit different.

But there are many themes and shared experiences that overlap across the hundreds of hours of QHHT I’ve facilitated. Here they are!

 1. It is beautiful.

I absolutely love doing this work of QHHT because it gives me a place to hold space in love for people in their possibilities.

Transformation is such an important, powerful experience, and not everyone chooses to take their transformation into their own hands!

I adore being able to help people do just that.

I've always been interested in human transformation—including my own. I believe that any transformation of any of us has a huge impact on society because we are all connected. That’s why it's an honor and a privilege to do this work: I see my work as a QHHT practitioner as a facilitator of transformation, and the healing and transformation of one person is super powerful and ripples out far beyond that one person. I believe we are all connected with one another at a deep level and in ways that we can’t necessarily see with the eye or understand from just our human understanding. So, when change happens in one, it reaches and changes things in the universe.

So, the experience of QHHT itself, including the hypnosis part, is about being held in space and love for you and your possibilities, and that is a very beautiful thing.

To be able to have a day out of time, with no worries and no problems, for your own healing, is incredibly beautiful.

2. It is thorough.

QHHT is designed to be a “one and done” modality. It doesn’t require follow-ups, and it isn’t something you would do probably more than once or twice in your lifetime, because it is designed to be transformational. It's not like other modalities where you have to kind of keep tuning the guitar string.

And transformation is anything but passive! Although a QHHT session might take most of a day, clients and I are definitely not sitting there doing nothing. There is a lot of releasing and clearing that happens, especially when you share all about your life during the life interview section. There is a lot of letting go. In QHHT, absolutely anything that you want to let go of, you can, and that will be up to you.

Being held in that space of love and possibility with your practitioner is the perfect opportunity to do just that: to let go of everything that you want to let go of, get perspective, call in all of your possibilities, and get your big, pressing and important questions answered, so we can help you in the very best way possible.

3. It is transformational.

In a world full of noise, it’s easy to feel like no one is listening to you, or that what you are going through may not be as important about what you see unfolding in the world. There so many ways that just telling your story all the way through from beginning to end during your life interview (the first part of a QHHT session) can help you make sense of things, see and recognize patterns, and gain insights about your own life.

That's super beautiful, because when do you get a chance to tell your life story all the way through, with no interruptions, and with no one who's listening with an agenda or wanting to interrupt you?

I often hear from clients that they find the life interview segment very therapeutic because of the experience of simply walking through and sharing their life story.

The life interview is the first part of QHHT, and what I have outlined here is one of the things that I love most about QHHT.

QHHT is designed to be an unusual experience and it is not something that you're going to need to come back year after year to experience again. Only in rare cases to clients come back to request another session, often because something reminds them of their session or they have another important question to answer.

QHHT is something that you will remember—even more so since you get a copy of your session recording to listen to, for continued healing and guidance. Many clients tell me that their session is kind of like a turning point where they unlock lots of insights and possibilities. Plus, relaxing and letting the information flow through during QHHT is such a powerful way to more directly access your inner guidance.

4. It’s an amazing investment in your growth.

QHHT is designed to be transformative and it takes place in one continuous, 3-part session. How long does it take? A session happens continuously and it takes as long as it takes, which is how Dolores Cannon, who created the QHHT technique more than 45 years ago, encouraged her students to view a session. I’ve had sessions last anywhere between four hours and eight hours.

I never know how long a QHHT session will take, and I never have any expectations about that, but it takes as long as it takes, and that is part of the power of it. It’s an investment for you and your practitioner, and that is one reason it can be so powerful.

I’ve also found that QHHT is often the start of a deeper or longer process of self-growth or personal development. I see it as the start of a kind of “time release capsule,” as often clients get a lot of information, a lot of healing during the session, and then months later they still might be receiving insights, downloads, or see new connections to things that are important in their lives.

5. It can activate or amplify your intuition.

Often, during the process of QHHT, clients connect with their Higher Self. The experience of having your Higher Self flow through you often activates something in clients that helps them become more in tune with their higher guidance and information from their Higher Self perspective than they were before.

Many clients find that their intuition starts to amplify because QHHT brings them directly in contact with the inner voice that knows everything about them, the Higher Self part of them, and that is the super special part of all of us that wants us to succeed and to live the life that we came here to live.

It's a really beautiful experience to have the Higher Self flowing through. During that experience, some clients begin to recognize what that feels like, and they start to develop a shared vocabulary of sensations or ways they naturally receive information from their Higher Self, so that after the session, they have that link already going and it continues to go. So how cool is that, that QHHT can often help pique your intuition?

So, those are just a couple of nuggets of information about what QHHT is like. I don't know specifics of what a QHHT session is going to be like for you, but above are the themes of feedback that I've heard from dozens of clients, over and over and over.

And these are a huge part of why I love doing this work.

If you have any questions about QHHT and what it could do for you, the clarity you could bring to your life, please let’s hop on the phone together. I would be honored to speak to you about what it is in your life that you want to transform and seeing if QHHT is right for you.

You can book a 15-minute discovery call with me here. I’m excited to chat!


3 common life situations when QHHT can help


3 tips to prepare for your QHHT session