3 tips to prepare for your QHHT session

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The number one question I am asked by prospective clients is: What will the hyposis segment of my QHHT session be like?

The short answer is, it’s always different, and that depends on the client, on you.

I’ve found that everyone’s QHHT session is different, because they come in for the specific things they want to discover and answer at that moment, so they can move forward in their lives. Because everyone’s “why” for a session is different, that sets up the course for each session to be different.

I also believe that each client’s Higher Self is guiding the process toward the best possible outcome for them specifically, so they get the right information at that time, that can best help them in the very best way possible. Rather than it being up to only the client or the practitioner, I follow Dolores Cannon’s process, which looks at these three forces (the client, the practitioner, and the client’s Higher Self) as determining the course of the session to help the client get exactly what they are supposed to get through the course of a session.

So, the exact outcomes, the nature and activity of the actual hypnosis experience for each client is always different because each individual is different.

However, there are three tips that I would absolutely recommend if you’d like some help to prepare yourself for an amazing QHHT session.

 1. Have no expectations.

When you are open to what comes through during a session, you're welcoming the best possible experience. I come into each session having no expectations, and I always recommend that clients don’t have any either, because it means they are truly present and being in partnership to the experience that unfolds. This is so delicious because so many times, when clients relax and trust the process (which I do, because Dolores Cannon’s process is amazing and really works), there end up being so many good surprises along the way. When you let the left brain go and you're really present, fully in the experience and going with what takes shape, you are going to have a wonderful session. Your QHHT session day is truly a special day with no worries and no problems, and letting that left brain part of you go while reconnecting with the intuitive, eternal part of you is a luxury!

 2. Activate all of your senses.

When your senses are in full activation, you are in the theta brainwave state, which feels like you’re in a story or a dream: you rely and respond to what your senses tell you. This is full being-ness and it’s beautiful. If you want to, before your session, you can even practice activating your senses as you're falling sleep. If you’re not sure where to start, you can bring your attention to a beautiful or happy memory that you can picture in your mind as you remember living it.

You can visualize it as you reconnect with it using all of your senses:

What was it like to taste that moment?

What did it feel like in your skin?

What did you hear?

What did you sense?

Activating all of those senses will connect you with the part of the brain that we're going to be working with during QHHT.

QHHT is a very sensory experience. So, activating your senses is a great way to be on the path to an amazing session.

 3. Relax and trust the very first thing that comes to mind.

They say that all of your answers really come from within.

And of course, that is true. And that's something that I've experienced with QHHT myself, but in order to get there, how do you practice?

From my own sessions during my training period (these aren’t required, but I did two so I could get a better understanding of what my clients experience), I discovered that QHHT is very powerful because the process led me to a place of deep relaxation and quiet. In the theta brainwave state, the distractions, and the daily things that usually get your attention, move aside or melt away.

From that space, your inner guidance can come through more freely and directly.

And that’s what QHHT is designed to do: to put you in touch with your Higher Self and its eternal wisdom, which is the ultimate inner guidance.

And this guidance started and goes far beyond this lifetime and what you know, and who you are in your fully awake, embodied state.

How do you get into that state of mind where you can access that inner guidance?

Bonus: Connect with your heart center.

When you tune into your heart, have you noticed that your heart always has very different answers from your brain?

That’s your intuition speaking. It’s always available when you tune into your heart. And that quiet voice is usually a voice we ignore because it doesn’t necessarily “make sense,” and sometimes it gives us other answers and guidance than we care to hear at that moment, so we pass it over and keep going on the current track.

So, if you want to have an amazing QHHT session, one thing you could practice is tapping into that inner guidance of your heart. You can do this by asking a question and trusting the very first thing that comes to mind (yes, all these tips can work together).

I believe your heart is directly connected to your own Higher Guidance, and gives you information that your brain doesn’t. If you second-guess, dismiss, or try and control things, or if you try and make your Heart perspective make sense, you’ve flipped over to the left brain side of things and that’s not where the magic of QHHT is. But you can practice so easily to access your inner guidance by just tuning into your heart, relaxing, and trusting the very first thing that comes to mind. 

Above are four very easy ways that you can prepare for your QHHT session. Anyone can do them!

And remember, that everyone can be hypnotized very easily because everyone can fall asleep. QHHT works in the theta brainwave state, which falls on the spectrum between your full awake awareness with all of its distractions, and full-on sleep. There are lots of ways to tap into this state, and to your inner guidance, to prepare yourself for a beautiful QHHT session.

The theta brainwave state is the one that you go into during QHHT, and everybody's theta state looks a little bit different. So, I’ve found to prepare for your session, you can do so many easy actions like trusting and saying the very first thing that comes to mind, being open to what might unfold, tuning into your heart, remembering a happy moment using all of your senses, and having no expectations.

When is a good time to book a QHHT session?

If you're experiencing a spiritual awakening, undergoing a life transition, or if you have experienced trauma or other sorts of pain that you haven't quite found a way to make sense of, many clients experience QHHT as a beautiful, relaxing, full-of-new-perspective way to experience new insights, look at the big life challenges, make sense of what has happened in life, from a whole different perspective.

QHHT is also a wonderful way to get direct verbal answers to what you’ve been wondering, and start to carve out a pathway and momentum to move forward.

If you have any questions about QHHT and what it could do for you, the clarity you could bring to your life, please let’s hop on the phone together. I would be honored to speak to you about what it is in your life that you want to transform and seeing if QHHT is right for you.

You can book a 15-minute discovery call with me here. I’m excited to chat!


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