What is a soul group and what can it do?

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You may have heard of a soul, or you may believe or know that you have a soul, but when we talk about soul groups, we're talking about something a little bit bigger than just us and our own individual souls.

A soul group is a group of souls that come together on a higher spiritual level, in order to accomplish something together that one individual soul could not accomplish alone. This work is always a collective effort, and cannot happen without multiple individuals working at it. This also explains on a spiritual level why sometimes, multiple similar new ideas and innovations take shape at almost the same time, or why technology that didn’t exist before suddenly faces competition from closely staggered or nearly simultaneous entrants to the market by companies with similar solutions, e.g., alternating current versus direct current electricity.

Some of you are very aware of what your soul work (purpose) is, and may even recognize other individuals who are part of or integral to your own soul work, but you may not be aware that you are collaborating with them on a deeper, soul level. Some of you are aware of this and more, and some of you may not have a concrete awareness of your soul work or soul group, but have felt intuitively that an individual--perhaps a mentor, friend, colleague, or peer--is an important part of what you came here to do. Or perhaps you’ve wondered about, or discovered, your soulmate. A soulmate relationship represents a soul group unit, so that’s usually what people identify with most when they consider working in a soul group.

Oftentimes, people are curious about who their soulmate is. But it’s possible that you have more than one, possibly a couple of different soulmates, maybe many, maybe hundreds, maybe thousands. There are definitely souls who are all part of the same consciousness, who are part of fulfilling the same purpose, who are working together and doing something very important together, either consciously and deliberately, or unconsciously and unknowingly. In that sense, on a spiritual level, working with a soul group work or soulmate, isn’t it all the same?

How do soul groups work?

To best accomplish their shared purpose, soul groups can choose to incarnate into physical bodies at the same time, often choosing locations or circumstances where they can intersect with one another so the work can go faster. But a number of souls spend their time on Earth not remembering they are more than a Personality Self, derailed or motivated by fears and responding to external or stimuli that comprise our physical, “real” world. Unless you are spiritually awake, aware that you are a physical extension of your High Self, embodied and yet much more than your body, you may not be consciously aware of your purpose, living it, or working in concerted partnership with members of your soul group. 

Incarnating together at the same time isn’t the only way in which soul groups accomplish their work, however. Often, soul groups have help from the other side, from other members who are also part of your soul group but who are non-physical. Oftentimes we call this non-physical help our “guides.” So, members of your soul group can be working from both the physical and the non-physical sides to accomplish your shared work. 

For example, many people believe there is a group of individuals here on the Earth now, whose soul group purpose is to be here just to raise the frequency of the planet so that we can finally learn how to love and forgive ourselves and each other, and transcend our lower human nature of humanity, thereby finally getting off the wheel of karma, where we're just creating pain and experiencing pain, and creating pain, paying it back and getting it paid back to us.

Perhaps all of us in physical form on Earth now are part of this soul group work. Have you noticed that whether or not they are spiritual, tons of people nowadays meditate and do yoga? A lot more people now are spiritual. Maybe not religious, but spiritual--and what used to be “far out” in the 1960s is now so mainstream that there are countless apps and YouTube channels dedicated solely to meditation, chanting, and yoga. These are activities that all help to raise the vibration, raise the frequency.

How is soul group work different from individual work?

It took a series of painful circumstances for me to reach for and find something more--something deeper in myself. Before I could recognize I was more than my physical, Personality Self, I had to hit rock bottom. That experience caused me to question my way of being and commit to a spiritual path. Along the path, I had a moment where I woke up and recognized I was more than my body, my emotions, my thoughts, and my mind. I connected with my High Self.

From that perspective, I began to notice a change in priorities: less needing to be right, more noticing I didn’t know. Less needing to control, more clearing space for surrender. Less criticizing, more appreciating. This work caused me to be different, and being differed started to impact the people around me. 

This new awareness and allowing the High Self to inform priorities is a way to engage in deliberate soul group work, and it becomes possible when we wake up and become conscious on the High Self level, conscious of our purpose and committed to working very purposely toward the fulfillment of our purpose, and that of the soul group we are part of. By activating ourselves and our higher nature, we start to activate things around us.

Q: What else do souls come together in groups to do? 

A: Make a bigger impact than they can alone.

  1. Many hands make light work.

When you think about what it's going to take for us to all get off of the wheel of karma and to live in a more purposeful, loving place, can you imagine a world where people are loving one another and they're not feeling greedy? They're not feeling like they need to get ahead and put other people down, but they're all working toward a more compassionate world together? 

This is something that is easier on the soul group level, because, like in a beehive or other nature community, there are multiple beings working on the same task, at the same time, in their own way. If you're on your own, trying to tackle this as an individual, it's a lot harder to accomplish the big goal.

2. We help each other evolve faster, sometimes by leaps and bounds.

When you think back to previous times, maybe the 1800s or the 1900s, we were still learning how to use our resources. We were learning how to light our homes and how to preserve our food. We're now in a place where we have computers in our pockets and we're aware that how we are and what we believe has an impact on the people around us.

Now we have the ability to be ourselves in a way that there just wasn't in the past century. We have a lot of freedom and a lot of choices that we did not have then, largely because our technology has evolved so quickly and brilliantly. Some soul groups are collaborating on a lot of levels--physical, mental, spiritual, etc.--to accomplish things like create new technologies that help us and help our society evolve.

Whether that is microchips or whether that is ending systemic racism, there are so many ways that we have come to be here and make a bigger impact. So there's just awareness and consciously groups working together, or maybe unconsciously because they haven't discovered it yet.

How can I recognize members of my soul group, especially if I’m not always connected with my High Self?

My own experience is that meeting a member of your soul group will cause you some emotion. Usually, that will be a strong emotion, either, "Wow, I can't believe I've met you. It feels like no time has passed. I feel like I know you, I just met you, but you feel familiar." That’s a best friend-soulmate-lover-kindred spirit kind of experience.

The other experience is usually the opposite: you can't imagine why, but instantly you react negatively to this person. Perhaps you feel stress, dislike, tension, or just really, really, really uncomfortable feeling.

But why could meeting a soul group member feel terrible and not wonderful? Some people say that your soulmate is either your best friend or your worst enemy. Souls who are on the same team on a spiritual level can have the opposite experience of each other in physical form. 

When someone shows up in your life and it feels horrible, it’s very likely that this person is not an enemy, but rather, a member of your soul group, because they are serving an important role in your life that wouldn’t otherwise be filled. These individuals challenge us, or cause us to become so frustrated that we seek new ways, thus discovering and fulfilling the purpose we came to fulfill. Because we all must learn certain lessons (many of them difficult) in order to fulfill our purpose, often the people in our lives who are there causing trouble are a catalyst--the only way that we can learn those difficult lessons. So, sometimes the people on our team are actually helping us evolve on a spiritual level and accomplish our shared work. 

Keep that in mind next time you're at a family gathering! Sometimes before we are born, we choose each other and we work together to help each other evolve--we just forget while we’re here on Earth that we made an agreement with each other. And that agreement doesn't always feel comfortable. Sometimes it feels like birds singing and...magic. And sometimes it feels inconvenient or annoying.

Both are likely encounters with members of your soul group, moving you and your soul group forward through evolution that wouldn’t happen otherwise. This includes coming together as a soul group to resolve individual and collective karma, so we can resolve our issues and move forward faster. We can do that better and faster together. 

To recap:

  • Soul groups come together to accomplish really big, complex things, to make a big impact that they couldn’t make on their own.

  • Soulmates are a unit of a soul group.

  • Soul groups work collectively on physical and non-physical levels on the same purpose. The non-physical help is usually what we call our “guides.”

  • When you wake up to your High Self and work deliberately on your purpose and spiritual evolution, you—along with your soul group members, collectively—are accomplishing your soul group’s work. By activating yourself and your higher nature, you impact others and the world around you.

  • Countless examples of soul group work can only be accomplished, or are accelerated, by working collaboratively.

  • Sometimes soul work involves bringing our society forward, e.g., inventing and producing new technology that impacts the way that we interact with one another or that helps us develop spiritually. 

  • Your best friend and your worst enemy are probably members of your soul group, because challenges and difficult lessons, as well as pleasure and joy, are part of fulfilling your / your soul group’s purpose.

I hope sharing this information has been helpful. As founder of Quantum Healing Miami and a Certified Level 2 QHHT Practitioner, I’d love to help you find the answers that can help you move forward in your life.

What are your questions about soulmates, soul groups, hypnosis or QHHT? Please feel free to reach out to me anytime here or here.

Until then, remember: You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are amazing. Thanks for stopping by.And remember, you're beautiful. You're powerful. You're amazing. 


How can you recognize and work with your soul group?


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