How can you recognize and work with your soul group?

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Oftentimes, when you meet people in your soul group, you have an instant reaction. Usually, you’ll feel an incredible affinity for and attraction to them, or the opposite--perhaps a discomfort, a dislike, or a feeling of repulsion. Sometimes it’s somewhere between those feelings, but those strong reactions make your “teammates” the easiest to recognize. 

You may be wondering, why would somebody who repels me, be part of my soul group?

In an earlier blog, I mentioned that on the soul level, we often choose people to come into the physical experience in order to work with us, either to help us learn lessons and evolve or to help accomplish something bigger than all of us, so we can collectively achieve a new level or get to a new place in our karma, soul mastery, or work toward the New Earth or Ascension (for more on the New Earth, check out Dolores Cannon’s work).

So, whether it's your BFF or your worst enemy, one easy way to recognize whether someone is part of your soul group is that you have an instant emotion when you meet them. 

Now that you've identified an easy way to recognize people from your soul group, how can you work together with them, in a conscious way?

Oftentimes, because you’re not always looking at things from the High Self or soul perspective, you are working with members of your soul group, but not usually consciously, and that's fine. But when you take a direct, deliberate approach to fulfilling your purpose and working with your soul group on a conscious level, you can create a powerful impact or results together. 

Here are 10 ways to work with your soul group:

  1. Go into the feelings and notice more about what is happening.

Identify someone who you know is part of your soul group. Notice the reaction you had to them, perhaps going back to a situation with them, that was either really beautiful or really difficult. Remember that moment and tune into how you responded to them on visceral, emotional, and intellectual levels. What was it about that time together that was either easy or challenging? 

Let's take the example of somebody you had an instantly amazing response to, somebody who it just feels like you've known them forever. Someone who, even though you just met, you feel affinity and an attraction to. 

2. Identify what you’re bringing to the exchange, and bring it with intention.

Remember that meeting with that person, and reconnect with it. View it as an observer. Notice your response, and notice that you're having that response to them. Then look at yourself. Notice what you are bringing to the table, what you’re in control of, and what you want to bring deliberately, in that moment. A lot of times when you're working purposefully towards something together with someone, you're being very intentional about what is yours, and you're choosing to own that part with awareness. For example, if you’re observing the person you’re with as warm and funny, you’ll often intentionally praise them or give them that feedback, on purpose. That’s the part you’re owning, bringing to the table, and being deliberate with. 

3. Look at how your energy is flowing, and become familiar with the patterns of energy that emerge from that flow, so you can more intentionally understand, and direct, redirect, amplify, or diminish what you're bringing to the table.

Soul group work becomes more potent when you use your power, not from the “small-self” or Personality Self perspective, but from the High Self perspective. That means you’ll need to notice your Personality Self’s immediate positive or negative reactions to situations and to others, and the patterns that result from those habitual “small-self” reactions. With that understanding, through intention and directed energy, you can recalibrate those reactions to align more with the High Self’s perspective. 

This can help you specifically to remember that from the High Self’s perspective, those you have overly strong initial reactions to, whether positive or negative, are part of your collective and thus, they are here to help you learn what you came here to learn.

4. Notice the alignments and coincidences that invite or create deeper connection.

Let’s focus on strong positive reactions for now. You might notice that, when you had a strong positive initial response to a person, there were things that you discovered having in common, coincidences, or mutual interests, that sparked your shared energy. This might have been around a topic, shared passion, place, or an experience you noticed or discussed when you were together, that enabled you to go not just connect, but get more curious about each other, which opened up deeper conversation and connection.

This momentum is often a signal that indicates the other person might be important or might hold potential for you in some way. From a High Self or soul perspective, these alignments and coincidences are a signal that you are linked to shared work or are aligned in purpose together. These experiences call you to go deeper, to explore your potential together. 

5. Once you have established a mutual energy and alignment, create something together, even if it’s something tiny.

Whether it’s a travel experience, a book club, a yoga class, a walk in nature, a business or a volunteer project, or a really satisfying phone call, co-creating something on purpose together is a very potent, often very satisfying way of working with members of your soul group. 

By exploring the overlaps and gaps in your interests, needs, skills, and passions, you can not only better understand your mutual affinity or attraction, but also enjoy the connection and create deliberate opportunities for each other to learn, grow, support, and evolve in community. Even if these shared experiences and activities are extremely simple and low-key, they are still soul group work and because of that, they matter a lot!

Explore what you are interested in doing together, that will be meaningful and collaborative and also spark growth and deeper connection: an accountability relationship, a service project, a meditation circle, a walkathon, a community garden, co-writing a blog--the possibilities are endless.

6. Remember, you don’t have to “do life” alone. Your “team” helps lighten the load and make the path clearer and more enjoyable.

During most of my life, I’ve tended to think and act more independently than with others. Along the way, individuals have come in as guides and teachers and opportunities for me to work out my negative karma and evolve. At the end of last year, for the first time, I felt distinctly called away from my independent tendencies and toward creative group energy. 

I’d noticed a pattern of invitations to create and hold space in groups, and I followed it, inviting those who were aligned in those themes or spaces. Together, we created various containers for these group explorations (monthly co-created virtual spiritual workshops, accountability Zoom calls, sporadic texts and IG messages). As a result of these teams, I’ve contributed and supported my people while receiving insights I could not have come to on my own. Plus, I’ve had a lot more fun while absorbing and evolving faster than ever. 

7. Notice shared themes and create containers to anchor your soul group work.

Once I opened up to “team,” I noticed that people with the same challenges or blocks I’d worked out for myself, also came to me, asking for help with resolving those issues. They came as clients, they came as friends, friends of clients, friends of friends. They weren’t affiliated, but they showed up practically at the same time, wanting the same thing. Many had no idea I’d worked to resolve those issues myself, they just felt compelled to speak with me about what was in their heart, and they’d honored that impulse. We discovered we had commonalities, shared purposes to anchor us, a range of experiences, and everyone with something to contribute. Slowly, organically and purposefully, containers emerged to hold this group work around specific intentions. 

This has been the perfect way, for what I’m discovering is my own soul group, to move from “me” to “we.” It’s been beautiful to help each other, grow, learn, and share. This work has also generated collective upward-soul movement: as we evolve in team, our whole group up-levels together. All it took was recognizing a common theme and creating spaces to collaborate together on purpose. Your soul group is a platform to create, to heal, to evolve, and to resolve. These are all very, very powerful ways of moving forward. 

8. Take a look at discomfort from the High Self perspective and see what happens.

Let's move to the other side. Is there a person who inspired an instantly negative or repellent reaction in you? 

This is also likely a member of your soul group, but the experience is much different because this person has come down into the physical world with you specifically because only they, or in their way, can help you evolve and learn lessons that you couldn't have encountered without them. 

Often, because your Personality Self isn’t consciously seeking out--or perhaps doesn’t have the best viewpoint to create conditions for--the vital lessons needed to fulfill your soul’s purpose, the answer usually comes in the form of another person who brings a painful or unpleasant experience to your life. The Personality Self tends to avoid pain, yet the High Self has a higher perspective. 

Sometimes the High Self steers you to and through discomfort, because it’s the fastest (best or only) way for you to gather the vital information and lessons that are needed for you discover, get reacquainted with, or get back on target with what’s required for you to experience, in order to fulfill the purpose you came to serve. That doesn’t mean that on the Personality Self level, it doesn’t feel a bit challenging. Or, you can also look at these unwanted or uncomfortable situations--especially those you can’t explain--as your High Self, full-on resolving your soul’s negative karma from other lifetimes or life experiences, that you may not be aware of.

9. If you can, embrace your own evolution--your High Self’s plan--even if you don’t understand it.

Experiencing blocks and friction--particularly those you experience through encounters with others--doesn’t mean you’re getting life wrong. It doesn’t mean your ability to attract what you want into your life is off. But often, in order to level up to be able to physically experience what you’re envisioning or desiring, you must resolve what’s required before your High Self will allow that to take shape. Perhaps you are holding onto residual energy seeds from another time or previous experience, or you have karma to work out, and this unpleasant person or experience gets your attention so you can move through or resolve what’s necessary to level-up to what’s next for you.

So, rather than focus on “what’s wrong” or on the person causing discomfort, try seeing things from the High Self perspective. What is the larger truth about the situation and why the two of you are having this experience? In which ways might they actually be working with you, to help you level-up in ways you couldn’t have without them? 

10. If you want to feel peace, practice gratitude and forgiveness.

Once you can see the High Self’s perspective on why this person might be causing you discomfort or why they are actually members of your soul’s team, see them from your mind’s eye. Take them into your heart. Thank them for being here, helping you evolve. Express gratitude for their role in your soul’s realization. Forgive them and forgive yourself. Then, let go.

If, from the High Self perspective, these folks have actually come into your life to help you evolve, you can best accomplish and embrace your own evolution by recognizing that 1) they are on your team, 2) they’ve fulfilled their end of the bargain, and 3) they’ve done a very good job of it. Letting go of your hurt, letting go of the resentments that you've been experiencing or feeling or holding, enables you to be free and move on. For your Personality Self to choose to be free by forgiving and moving on, is to live in alignment with your High Self.

The Personality Self is the part of you that requires forgiveness. From the High Self perspective, there's no reason for forgiveness, because those who caused discomfort are simply soul group members, fulfilling how you agreed to help each other in this life, to keep moving forward. To get off of the wheel of karma, you must clear space in your heart and let go of resentment and hurt, because your discomfort was an important part of your growth. Forgiveness is something you can deliberately work on if you can’t see things from your High Self perspective. You don't even have to see them or talk to them in order to forgive. You can work on forgiveness by yourself, directing it toward that person, so that both of you can be free. 

To recap:

  • You can usually recognize a member of your soul group by the strength of the emotion you have the instant you meet them. 

  • Working consciously with your soul group creates potent, faster effects.

  • To work with your soul group members consciously, notice and own your feelings (and patterns of feelings);

  • Bring intention to how you show up with your soul team.

  • Notice alignments and coincidences, and follow them.

  • Build on what happens organically by creating something small together.

  • Welcome your “team,” lighten the load, and enjoy what you’re creating together.

  • Create teams based on shared themes of interest/inquiry, and anchor how you’ll communicate and help each other.

  • Notice discomfort and remember the High Self’s perspective on it.

  • Surrender to your High Self’s plan, even if you don’t understand it.

  • Be free by practicing gratitude and forgiveness.

I hope sharing this information has been helpful. As founder of Quantum Healing Miami and a Certified Level 2 QHHT Practitioner, I’d love to help you find the answers that can help you move forward in your life. These are just a couple of ways that you can recognize and work with your soul groups to do more than just what you can do alone.

What are your questions about past lives, soul groups, hypnosis or QHHT? Please feel free to reach out to me anytime here or here.

Until then, remember: You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are amazing. Thanks for stopping by. And remember, you're beautiful. You're powerful. You're amazing. 


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