6 Reasons Why You Chose Your Family

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This is definitely one of the top five questions that clients want to answer during QHHT. 

Why did you choose your mother? Father?

Your siblings? Your twin?

Your aunts, uncles, or cousins?

Your grandparents? 

Your spouse?

Your kids?

Whoever it happens to be, usually, there is someone in your family you feel a strong, close connection to. And, there’s also usually someone that has been the source of strife, abuse, or trauma in your life.

By leading QHHT sessions, I’ve discovered that there are always important lessons lurking “behind the scenes” in the family that you end up with. And although some people say we don't choose our families, from the Soul or High Self perspective, that’s exactly what happens. 

Once you can see beyond the confines of the Personality Self, like you can during QHHT, you see that the family you come from is actually less a random configuration, and more a carefully orchestrated set of people who came together on the spirit side and agreed to play certain roles in each other’s lives so that they could learn certain lessons, set certain things in motion, and create certain outcomes together so that they all could accelerate their souls’ growth and development.

When you look at it that way, suddenly lots of answers come into focus. Recognizing that you chose your family on a Soul level opens up a whole new perspective with many possibilities! 

As a QHHT Level 2 practitioner, it’s such a beautiful, eye-opening experience to first speak with a client and learn about what happened during lives from that person’s everyday waking-conscious/Personality Self perspective (the life interview segment), and later during the hypnosis segment, to speak with their High Self about the same set of occurrences.

I love witnessing the mind-blowing insights that come from within a client’s own deeper consciousness, that they can refer to on their session recording, in their own voice, that helps put their personally lived experiences into a whole new context. This new context on your life is one of the incredible ways that QHHT can ignite deeper understanding and transformation.

To really understand why you chose your family, buckle up!

Here are the answers my clients have received to this question during QHHT:

  1. You chose your family because you wanted to learn lessons as a Soul, and this combination of other Souls was the best configuration for you to learn those lessons in the most efficient, expedient way. 

    There is always a reason, always a lesson behind the people you were born to or grew up with. That doesn’t mean that at some point, the lesson may not involve discomfort. For instance, some biological parents came together simply to ensure that you would be born with your unique set of biological potentialities and exposed to the parenting style, upbringing, values systems, or set of experiences that could only come from that combination. If a parent (or both) exit your life, it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong, it just means that the contract--their role in the agreement--was fulfilled.

  2. Your family isn’t something messed up, broken, or a problem you’re personally responsible for fixing. It’s just the platform you chose to come forth into, so that you could learn what you couldn’t otherwise, simply because you wanted to evolve faster on your pathway. And your pathway extends far, far beyond this single lifetime.

If you take the long view, you may have hundreds of millions of lifetimes. Over the course of those lifetimes, there is a huge range of experiences that your Soul will choose to have. After gathering those experiences, learning those lessons, eventually you will return back to Source. What you’re experiencing now--the joy and the pain--are experiences that join all the previous and future experiences that the Soul intended to gather, to have the fullest possible expression of itself.

3. The hardest lessons speed up your Soul’s evolution. Over the course of lifetimes, along with joy and beauty, your Soul has chosen to experience traumas and challenges, sometimes unspeakable things, as part of its goal to collect the fullest range of experiences, expression, and expansion. When your Soul chooses these lessons, it is very specifically and deliberately, and during the process of choosing the desired lessons to learn, your Soul often stubbornly overrides the concerns voiced by its “team” of collaborators, who speak up when they’re not sure you’re not taking on something too hard to handle.

Perhaps you made the choice because you wanted to be challenged and experience something beyond what you could do by yourself. A family is a group of people that has a very unique set of energy combinations, challenges, programming, beliefs, traumas. All of these can create the conditions for tragedy and loss, joy and beauty, or a will to do things very differently. All of these are legitimate lessons to choose, and the family is the backdrop or supporting cast of “challengers” against which your specific evolution in this lifetime could not have otherwise taken place. Often after heavy, challenging lifetimes, the Soul is taken to a place to rest, recharge, and restore itself.

4. Karma. There is no more perfect laboratory for creating and working out karma than families. Karma in families often shows up as a kind of “chain of pain” or “trading cards” that are passed down or around to others in your Soul team from lifetime to lifetime. Karma is a circle that keeps on going, until you break the pattern by choosing another way to operate. If you hurt somebody in your family this lifetime, when you’re on the spirit side, you may say, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Maybe we can come back and do this again.”

So, you’ll get together with them and decide you’ll come back together next lifetime, in a situation where they pay you back for what you did to them. Thus, a new set of contracts is created. You come into the new life and forget about the contract, and create new karma without realizing it, staying on the wheel of karma. It’s only when you’re looking from the Soul perspective, that you see that the goal is Soul-realization, for which you will need to resolve karma, rather than keep creating and recreating karmic patterns. That will release you from the bondage of karma, the wheel of hurting and getting hurt, the Groundhog Day of the Soul when “an eye for an eye” is the MO.

Perpetually creating new karma is not the way that our souls actually evolve. At a certain point, you’ll want to resolve karma so you can move on to other, new challenges. Sometimes my clients discover that their mother was their sibling in another life, and they thought that they could resolve the hurt and the pain that had transpired between them then, in this new setup. And it doesn’t work, it just keeps going. The roles don’t matter, but often the wheel keeps going among family members and best friends, step-kids or step-parents who are often part of your Soul team. There are people who you've had many, many lifetimes with, who you're here to hopefully get it right this time. By getting it right, you break the chain of karma so you all can be released--be free--and move on to the next challenge.

5. Your Soul wants to work together with others to accomplish something bigger than it could alone. This is Soul group work, or coming together with people who are of a like mind, a like background, to amplify energy, to spread love, to create a business or product, or serve humanity...whatever your Higher Soul group purpose is.

Sometimes you'll come in groups, including families, best friends, partners, or relationships, to do something bigger that is part of your shared purpose. The idea, again, is that you can accomplish more when you're working together. 

6. Service and healing. When you’ve resolved your karma, you’re in a much different position when you choose to come into a new lifetime. By coming not out of fulfillment of a karmic obligation, but because of a choice to heal others or serve, your Soul has done a great service to humanity.

You are evolving as a Soul and in some lives, you choose to rest and you heal. In some lives, you want to help others heal. In other lifetimes, you want to be very, very challenged. Your family is usually your core Soul team, and thus they’re nearly always there as part of the dynamic. They are elements of the unique combination of factors that enabled you to be who you are in this lifetime. That may have been very painful. That may have been very easy. But there's always a purpose your family takes on in helping you become who you are in each lifetime, so you can learn the lessons that you're there to learn. That is very valuable. 

To recap:

  • You chose your family so you could learn lessons and evolve more quickly than you could by yourself. 

  • Whatever has happened with your family, the Soul chose your family because of the specific combination of DNA, upbringing, personal development, personality, and life purpose you would be able to create as a result of it.

  • Your family is part of your Soul team whose engagement with you extends far beyond this lifetime. In other lifetimes, it may have looked much different.

  • You chose to come into this lifetime to learn lessons. Your family helps you learn those lessons.

  • Choosing and then learning hard lessons moves your Soul forward faster, although those lifetimes are often bumpier than others.

  • Unresolved karma from other lifetimes is often a reason you choose to incarnate with your family members.

  • You choose family members because you want to do more than you can solo, or because your Soul group has a shared purpose to fulfill.

  • When you resolve karma and choose to come back to heal others, you are doing an incredible service to humanity.

  • During QHHT, you can see your family from the Soul perspective--where it makes sense, and also where you didn’t see what was really going on.

  • From this higher perspective, you can observe the choices you and others have made, and then let go of what's not serving you.

  • You can forgive and choose to resolve that karma, get off the endless wheel, and move on to the next challenge that you have as a Soul. 

This may be new information for you. Often your waking consciousness--your Personality Self--is not aware of what is beyond your senses, emotions, logic, conditioning, and influences from the outside world. In QHHT, we are working with both the Personality Self and the Higher Self, which is the part of your deeper consciousness that knows everything about you and has the ability to not just this lifetime, but all of the other lifetimes you have lived. From that Higher Self perspective, you can more easily see the plan, your purpose, and a different perspective on the choices that you’ve made in coming into your current body, your current lifetime. 

I hope sharing this information has been helpful. As founder of Quantum Healing Miami and a Certified Level 2 QHHT Practitioner, I’d love to help you find the answers that can help you move forward in your life. These are just a couple of ways that you can understand more about your family and why your Soul chose them this lifetime.

What are your questions about past lives, Soul groups, about your family’s role in your life, hypnosis or QHHT? Please feel free to reach out to me anytime here or here.

Until then, remember: you are beautiful. You are powerful. You are amazing. Thanks for stopping by.


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