What would you do if you were free from fear?

More than anything else, wounds from the past are the single strongest force that blocks and prevents self-actualization and happiness.

Over and over, my work as a hypnotist has affirmed this truth.

Even as a well-adjusted adult, have you noticed that sometimes, you respond to (or have responded to) life not because of what is happening, but because the circumstances remind you of and trigger something deep within you, that you can’t explain, and it goes beyond your logic and control?

And you react.

You may directly notice or experience what happens as a result of your reaction, or you may notice something is “off” or different through someone else’s eyes.

It doesn’t make sense. You don’t mean to, but you can’t help responding in that way.

Your response is natural, because even though you have become so different from who you were at that time, the reaction shows that you’re still experiencing the residual—the “now” response from a deep unhealed wound from a previous time.

In fact, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shows that full self-actualization isn’t possible until several layers of other needs can be met. After all, if you can’t feel safe in your body, emotions, physical, social, or mental space, how can you connect with, amplify and share your gifts with the world? 

It’s not your fault that you responded this way. You learned this way of handling this particular stress from a previous time, when you were experiencing a trauma, stressful or life-threatening situation.

You dealt with it then, in the very best way you could. You grew, you healed, you moved on. You left it in the past.

Or so you thought.

But now, your behavior (and potentially someone’s response to it) is showing you that on some level, there’s still something there.

A wound. And it’s gotten your attention.

So you’ll either:

  1. Shrug, write it off, perhaps blame someone else, and move on (until your next very probable meeting with this phenomenon), or

  2. Notice there’s a pattern you’ve experienced around this reaction, and that pattern isn’t something you want to keep living. You notice that there is something there inside you, that is creating the pattern. And this pattern—and what’s behind it—is preventing you from living with greater freedom, greater happiness, and greater fulfillment. From accomplishing what you came here to do.

And if you’re feeling this, then you’re much more aware of what you’re losing by not getting curious about it. You see you that have a choice to take action.

On some level, you’re ready to let go of this, to heal, and to transcend this part of you that is keeping you small, keeping you trapped, keeping you from fulfilling your purpose, from achieving your dreams.

Because your purpose and your dreams are far bigger, far more important, and far more full of possibility, joy, love, happiness, freedom, and abundance than what you’ve been living.

You’re ready to take action, to heal the wound that is standing between you and your self-actualization.

In this magic moment, you’re ready to become a newer, higher version of yourself—someone who is actually capable of living that level of freedom, fulfillment, and joy. And to get there, you’re willing to shed what hasn’t been working, so that you can fully step into the version of you that the dream-you is going to require you to be.

This is the audacious moment when you ask yourself, “What would I do if I weren’t afraid?”

And you answer, “I don’t know, but anything will be better than this, and I’m ready.”

Welcome to the first day of the Future You. The Freedom-from-Fear version of you.

This moment is the inspiration behind my new 8-week course, Freedom from Fear.

The course integrates layers of Maslow’s Hierarchy, the Chakra system, and spiritual principles, to form a model that provides the basis for the course. It’s also modeled on my own life-changing practices built on these exact questions and inner journey toward self-realization. It also crystallizes insights I’ve gained as a Certified Level 2 QHHT Practitioner.

Freedom from Fear takes an integrative, exploratory, yet forensic approach. We will:

  • Work backwards and indirectly to identify where freedom is both flourishing and where it’s sought

  • Use the model and its Six Keys of freedom to identify where specific hidden blocks and patterns reside, and

  • Work through a guided, scaffolded 8-week curriculum alongside peer support and a 1:1 coaching with me to share insights and celebrate breakthroughs

  • Proactively create a Personal Model and Freedom Practice you can bring into your daily life

This course is for you, if:

  • Your life has been changed by unmet needs—yours or others’

  • These have caused patterns of unseen, unconscious, hidden, unpredictable behavior you can’t quite pinpoint or understand

  • You have been suffering or separated from your full sovereignty as a result of these patterns or wounds

  • You know there is so much more in store for you than what you’ve been living

  • You are ready to move toward your purpose, greater joy, freedom, and fulfillment

  • It would be game-changing for you if you could identify your own hidden blocks and unmet needs, and do something to meet, release or heal them

As founder of Quantum Healing Miami and a Certified Level 2 QHHT Practitioner, I’d love to guide you through this 8-week course, which was created for people like you, who are ready to tackle what’s been holding you back, and help you move forward in your life toward greater freedom, happiness, and fulfillment.

The course, which runs January - February 2022, is open to an extremely small number of participants.

Register now, before seats are gone!


How I broke my self-destructive cycles to gain freedom from fear and manifest the life of my dreams


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